History and mission

In the Foundation note (Note to the founding minutes) it says:

"Together we want to work towards a better world, united, independent and uninfluenced by politics."

Numbers, data and facts




Technical committees



Our credo at Federal Consumer Aid is to represent the interests of consumers in Germany. We strive to enable consumers to obtain information and act independently and safely without having to rely on advice. Our long-term goal is to help shape a consumer world in which excellent products and services flourish and a fair consumer landscape emerges. We are passionate about supporting consumers, taking their concerns seriously, mediating complaints and building bridges.

These were our motivations in 2021:

  • Self-realization

    The founding of Federal Consumer Assistance in 2021 was driven by the vision of offering consumers the opportunity to navigate the complex world of consumption in a self-determined and responsible manner. We believe that consumers should be able to make informed decisions and reflect their needs and wants in their purchasing decisions.

  • participation

    In modern society, consumer participation should no longer be neglected. Federal Consumer Assistance was created to ensure that consumers can actively participate in shaping consumer protection policies and practices. We strive to create a platform for open dialogue between consumers, businesses and government agencies.

  • NewConsumer Protection

    Our approach to consumer protection is innovative and progressive. We believe in the idea of a "New Consumer Protection" where consumers, businesses and regulators work together rather than against each other. Federal Consumer Assistance promotes continuous participation and the exchange of ideas in order to find better solutions to consumer problems together.

  • Life compass

    The Federal Consumer Aid not only offers its members support, but also a life compass. Our members can rely on us to help them find the right path in an ever-changing consumer landscape. Membership in Federal Consumer Assistance means a more worry-free environment in which consumers know that their interests are represented.

These are our goals

The vision of Federal Consumer Aid is to create a worry-free living space for us consumers. It remains independent of the state and politics, but also in dialogue with all actors. Federal consumer assistance builds bridges to consumer-relevant issues that many people neglect, including affordable housing or expanded passenger rights.

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